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BPIF Training are commitment to ensuring the health, mental health and wellbeing of all staff and learners.

To ensure that the well-being and mental health of our learners and staff feature prominently in our management and pastoral arrangements we will:

  • Ensure that there is a suitably trained senior member of staff with responsibility for referrals and liaison with appropriate external agencies
  • Ensure that our commitment to well-being and good mental health is promoted in key policy document
  • Ensure that staff and learner inductions clearly identify our commitment
  • Ensure that there are clear behaviour management policies and learner codes of conduct which address and minimise bullying, including online bullying & social media issues
  • Encourage respectful relationships within and between learners and staff
  • Use wall displays etc. to indicate where support on wellbeing issues can be sought
  • Develop teaching strategies focussed on developing relevant and practical skills for resilience, including within social media use, and knowing where to go for help
  • Review opportunities to cover wellbeing including good mental health in mainstream teaching
  • Help staff and learners to articulate their views and concerns through surveys and planned consultation mechanisms
  • Ensure that all staff have been trained to understand the importance of wellbeing and to recognise the signs of anxiety, poor mental health and know to whom to make a referral, as part of safeguarding procedures
  • Adopt flexible working practices and family friendly policies where practicable


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