Software Initiative
The power of an apprenticeship was highlighted recently via James Marten of Hamelin Brands Ltd., who signed up for a L3 Team Leader/Supervisor Apprenticeship via his trainer Steve Marriage earlier this year (2021). James job role is a Materials/Facilities Controller.
As part of his development and whilst undertaking some activities linked to a Time Management workshop, James developed some software based on a Time Management model he had learnt during a workshop.
Manager, Liza Rudge said; “By dynamically connecting the Eisenhower matrix to Outlook, James is now able to plan his priorities discussed at our daily meetings more effectively. We can then decide the priority and allocate tasks, sending colour coded time slots on Outlook throughout the day. James has done a great job on this and we are now using this each day with the full team.”
Trainer, Steve Marriage said; “I was very impressed with how James has managed to take a concept he had learned in one of my workshops and use this in a piece of software that he could develop to help others in the team plan their days more effectively.”